Bird Box 1 - Suitable for, and previously used by, Blue Tits.
Bird Box 2 - Suitable for Blue Tits, Great Tits or Sparrows. Used last year by Great Tits.
Bird Box 3 - Suitable for Blue Tits, Great Tits or Sparrows. Used last year by Sparrows.
Bird Box 4 - New box suitable for Blue Tits. Porthole enables colour.
Bird Box 5 - New position. Suitable for ( and used last year by) Great Tits,
Bird Box 6 - Suitable for, and used previously, by Blue Tits.

pan and tilt cameras

Big Camera 1 - Covers edge of "West End" wood and can watch the entrances to Bird Boxes 4, 5 and 6.
Big Camera 2 - Covers bird feeders and surrounding open ground. Also used for night recordings, especially Badger feeding tray.

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